Community guidelines

guidemate is a platform that allows you to share your view of a place with others using an audio guide. The users of guidemate are as colorful and versatile as the different audio guides they share. We've created these guidelines to make our community a happy, convenient and friendly surrounding for all of its users. Please be reminded that the use of this platform is also governed by our general terms and conditions.

What you should do

Be friendly and considerate.

guidemate provides you with the possibility to share your opinion with a rating- and feedback system. Please do not use these mechanisms to abuse or insult other users. This is the more the case if they don't share your point of view in certain points. Our community is based on the open-mindedness and genuine interest of its users.

Only share your own content.

Not only the audio data but also pictures and texts that are part of your guide must be created by yourself. Please respect copyright and share contents of others with their express authorization only.

Spread the word!

Our community gets better the more diverse, colorful and active the users are. Help to improve guidemate by spreading the word online and – even better – offline while you are using the App and taking a guide. The more users, the merrier!

Create a backlink to guidemate if you spread the word.

If you share your guide on a blog, in a forum or on other websites, please create a backlink to our platform. That way, interested readers may enjoy your guide conveniently and easily. More traffic on guidemate will result in more users and tours and ultimately make guidemate even better.

Give feedback!

The guidemate team is constantly working on making this platform easier, more exciting and more beautiful. Help us with our pursuit and give us feedback.

Be creative!

guidemate sets (almost) no limits to your creativity - make use of our platform in any way you can imagine. Use the freedom and possibilities to show your audience how extraordinary an audio guide can be. Think outside the box and try to create something exceptional. You might even have an idea how to use this platform that exceeds our and everyone else's imagination. That is exactly what we are looking for as long as you stick to these basic guidelines.


guidemate is aimed at becoming the most versatile and widespread platform for audio guides. Use our platform to discover your neighborhood or a new city in a fun and eye-opening way.

What you should not do

Of course you should feel free here and not be intimidated by other users. This is why at guidemate, you should treat others the same way you wish to be treated.
If you cross certain lines, this can lead to the removal of your account and all your uploaded data.

Don't upload questionable content.

If you don't want your parents or your little sister to hear your guide, you should reconsider if you really want to publish it. guidemate is no place for pornographic content.

Don't offend anyone.

If you want to offend or molest other users, you have chosen the wrong place. For that matter, this is a bad idea at other places as well.

Don't drown your guides with advertising.

guidemate is not meant to be a platform for ads. Of course you may promote your website or your own "real-life" guides. If you want to recommend your favourite café, that's fine as well. But please don't overdo this. Just ask yourself: Do my listeners really like to hear this kind of information?

Don't commit copyright infringement.

Please don't upload any content that is not your own creation and that you don't have an express publishing authorization for.
If you notice that another user has published your own content without permission, stay calm: It is probably a misconception or accident by that users. Just e-mail us and we take care of this case immediately.

Compliance with these guidelines

If you disagree with these rules, maybe guidemate is not the right thing for you. We wrote our guidelines, so that everyone in this community can feel comfortable and benefit from each other.

More information

If you have remainig questions, just take a look at our FAQ, the terms and conditions and our privacy policy. Or write us an e-mail.

That's all. Thanks for reading. We hope you have fun with guidemate!
Your guidemate team


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